You may use a credit card, or pay by check, bank, or money order. As you register for your courses, you’ll be prompted for your form of payment.
Credit card payments are made through Stripe, simply linked in your cart. Stripe is a secure credit card processor with an excellent reputation. Practice UP! does not retain your personal payment information.
If you prefer to pay by check, bank check, or money order:
Please note: paying by check will, of course, delay your ability to take your course since the check must be received, and then will be held for up to 7 business days to clear. We will notify you of receipt and will send your access information as soon as your check clears.
To pay by check: Register for your course or courses, then request an invoice by emailing us at . The invoice will include your payment and mailing instructions.
Changed your mind? Prefer to take your course sooner? Return to the Registration process and choose Pay by Credit Card instead.